making art work for you

From the Studio of Keith Morgan, Seattle Photographer

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IMG_6881With his unique eye for composition and color, photographer Keith Morgan shares his view of our world in a way that evokes longing for places we haven’t visited, and awe for the exquisite beauty of nature.

What do you first do when you get to your desk in the morning?
Check emails, browse Facebook, check my calendar.

photography, seattle art, seattle photographer, florals, flowers, nature, botanical

“9 Square 2”

How many images do you work on at a time?
In the field, I shoot multiple shots from many angles and perspectives. At my desk, once I’ve narrowed down the image I want to process I work on it from start to finish.

Do you have a dream project that you would like to work on?
Yes, Iceland @ summer solstice.

If you could shoot with anyone, who would it be?
Honestly, I prefer to be alone.

photography, seattle photographer, coastal, ocean, sea, sunrise, sunset, pacific northwest, washington



Is there an idea you would like to explore?
I have a few self portrait ideas that I haven’t had time to try.

What is your favorite time of day to shoot?
Sunset, dusk.

Do you ever get “stuck” on a piece? If so, what do you do?
Yes. I walk away for a half  hour or so.

photography, seattle photographer, landscape, black and white, mountains


“My love of photography is something that has been a part of me for as long as I can remember.  I learn best through trial and error and have been completely self-taught through books and the internet. I love travel and landscape photography and am on the road taking pictures as often as I can.” ~ Keith Morgan

Keith’s gorgeous images can be viewed in the Print-On-Demand section of our website. This area of our website is password-protected. If you are a member of the trade but don’t have full access to our website,, please contact us at