making art work for you

Featured Artist: Lisa Ridgers

Artist Lisa Ridgers

Artist Lisa Ridgers

We see the paintings and we know the artist’s name, but we don’t know anything else about the person who created the art, how she works, or how she is inspired. We recently caught up with Lisa Ridgers in her studio to find out from the top-selling artist herself – how does she create all those gorgeous paintings?

What do you first do when you get to the studio in the morning?

Usually I crank some tunes and jiggle around a little bit to get warmed up, inspired and loosen my muscles

How many paintings do you work on at a time?

It varies but normally two or three.

Do you have a dream project that you would like to work on?

Yes, I would LOOOOVE to work on a piece for P!NK. Sounds a bit weird, I know, but I really admire her talent and her authenticity, the lady rocks!

RidgersStudio2If you could paint with anyone, who would it be?

Well, if I had powers of resurrection, definitely JMW Turner. One more just to be greedy……I would also love to paint with Sarah Stockstill, her work has always inspired me.

Is there an idea you would like to explore?

Yes, I currently am intrigued by all the digital work that artists are now doing and would like to learn some new skills, incorporating something along those lines into my work.

What is your favorite time of day to paint?

Morning……my brain fritzes out in the afternoons.

Do you ever get “stuck” on a piece? If so, what do you do?RidgersStudio

Yes, I sometimes used to fight pieces to the death but now I take a different approach. I turn them around and they face the wall until I am ready to work on that piece again…some sit for weeks at a time.

What is up next on your easel?

I am playing around with a new “urban” look but have to work out some kinks yet…should be a fun day 🙂

Lisa Ridger’s original works, posters and print-on-demand imagery are available from Third & Wall Art Group.

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